Lots of information sharing and networking took place at the first Human Library event which was part of TheBigHelpOut This was a new approach for us which was the idea of Lily Mackenzie
Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland Western Isles https://www.facebook.com/CHSSWesternIsles
Thank you to the organisations that took part and to Convener Kenny Macleod and Lord Lieutenant Iain Macaulay for their support
Western Isles Community Care Forum – https://www.wiccf.co.uk/
Long Term Conditions Hebrides https://www.nhsinform.scot/scotlands-service-directory/health-and-wellbeing-services/4d806e8ea94140b391c6c35c3621e06b%201
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar https://www.cne-siar.gov.uk/site-pages/services-a-to-z/?ql
Alzheimers Scotland Western Isles https://www.alzscot.org/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvc7s1MH8_gIVFwIGAB39PQOoEAAYASAAEgLwy_D_BwE