Invitation to a meeting with Members of the NZET Committee – Tuesday 29th November
The Scottish Parliament’s ‘Net Zero, Energy and Transport’ Committee is currently undertaking an inquiry into ‘A Modern and Sustainable Ferry Service for Scotland’, having regard in particular to the long-term sustainability of island communities.
As part of this ongoing inquiry work, the Committee is undertaking a number of fact-finding visits to island communities across Scotland, and will be visiting the Western Isles on Monday 28th November and Tuesday 29th November in order to learn more about current ferry provisions.
Fiona Hyslop MSP, Deputy Convener of the NZET Committee, and Monica Lennon MSP, member of NZET Committee, will meet with Lewis resident’s in the Bridge Centre in Stornoway on Tuesday 29th November between 4.30pm – 6pm as part of a series of wider meetings across the Western Isles. It is hoped these sessions will allow individuals and groups, whose voices have been underrepresented within the inquiry to-date – younger people, older people, and people with disabilities and mobility issues – to speak with the Members about their experiences of using local ferry services. The meetings will also provide an opportunity to directly ask questions to the Members, on matters relating to the inquiry.
This is not a public meeting, but rather a dedicated session to enable a more in-depth discussion regarding your particular experiences. Please let us know if you are interested in having your voice heard at this meeting.