Give a Gift, Light up a Life Christmas appeal - Volunteer Centre Western Isles

Volunteer Centre Western Isles

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Give a Gift, Light up a Life Christmas appeal

This Christmas, the Volunteer Centre Western Isles are working in partnership with the NHS Western Isles Community Navigators to support adults in Lewis and Harris who may be lonely or socially isolated.

There are many people, particularly older people, within our communities who do not see anyone over the festive period or receive cards or a gift. This can be a very difficult time of year for those who feel isolated or lonely and a small gift and/ or card with a message donated to this appeal could make a huge difference, so they know that others in our community are thinking of them.

To bring a smile to adults who may be isolated in Lewis and Harris, donations of a written card and small gift suitable for a man or woman aged over 50years, such as scarf, gloves, toiletries and non-perishable food items are being sought.

Anyone who wishes to contribute can drop off donations to The Volunteer Centre Western Isles office at 95 Cromwell Street, Stornoway by 5pm on Tuesday 17th December.