If you are involved in a community group or organisation as part of the COVID-19 volunteer response, we can support you to support your volunteers.
Part of our service to groups over the last couple of week has been to provide some ‘off the shelf’ sample policies that they can adapt to their needs. Please find below some of the most requested policies to help you during this busy time.
These samples are designed to be quick, helpful guides for community groups and organisations to ensure you and your volunteers are safe while they volunteer in essential roles.
• A sample expenses/ mileage form Volunteer Expenses Form Template
• A sample Volunteer Expenses Policy VCWI Volunteer-Expenses
• A sample Volunteer Agreement Sample COVID19 Volunteer Agreement
• A sample Volunteer Induction Checklist Sample COVID19 Volunteer Checklist
The NHS Inform and Scottish Government websites should be visited to check current advice and keep volunteers up to date with the latest advice.
We hope you find these helpful. You can adapt them as required or please just let us know if we can help you further. We have chosen not to use Excel for the mileage as we have found not everyone has this installed on their PCs.
In line with current Government advice, you should not leave your home except for a few very specific reasons, which includes providing support to someone vulnerable or self-isolating. Being a good neighbour is the best action to take – act locally!
You should only provide essential support to someone who is unable to leave their home if you and everyone in your home is healthy and does not have a high temperature or a new and continuous cough (the symptoms of coronavirus). If you are over 70, pregnant or have any underlying health conditions you should not leave your home to volunteer.